11/2-11/6 Lessons


  1. SOAR w/ Tear of a Tiger or Princess Bride; be sure to list noted SignPosts.
  2. Summarize “The Swirling Darkness of Terror” on guide sheet-turn in for a grade.
  3. Quiz
  4. Continue/Finish research


  1. SOAR w/ Tear of a Tiger or Princess Bride; be sure to list noted SignPosts. Pass back all papers! (5 min)
  2. Quiz retakes: focus on question analysis and reading deeply (15 min)
  3. Group study and analysis of informative rubric
  4. Finish Natural Disaster Questions; Create Introduction Paragraph to your informative essay on green paper
  5. Student Blogging challenge. Work on weeks 2-5.


  1. SOAR w/ Tear of a Tiger or Princess Bride; be sure to list noted SignPosts. (15 min.)
  2. Continue analyzing the informative essay rubric.
  3. Finish Natural Disaster Qs, finish introduction paragraph
  4. Create body paragraphs on yellow paper.
  5. Peer edit introduction paragraph with rubric
  6. Student Blogging challenge. Work on weeks 2-5.


    1. SOAR w/ Tear of a Tiger or Princess Bride; be sure to list noted SignPosts.
    2. Continue working on Questions, introduction, and body paragraphs
    3. Create conclusion paragraph on red paper.
    4. Peer edit intro paragraph.
    5. Student Blogging challenge. Work on weeks 2-5.


  1. Library: Be sure to renew or turn in books.  Check out new if needed.
  2. SOAR w/ Tear of a Tiger or Princess Bride; be sure to list noted SignPosts.
  3. Work on Green, Yellow, and Red rough draft sheets and be prepared to start the publishing process on Monday.



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